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Everything You Should Know Before Starting Tennis

Feel Tennis: Development Of Advanced Tennis Technique For Players Of All Levels

Feel Tennis Review

Feel Tennis by Tomaz Mencinger is a revolutionary product for tennis. I say this because, unlike a handful of other programs out there, this one does not place major emphasis on the mechanisms and techniques of the sport. This program is essential for you because it focuses its resources on teaching you how to handle ball judgment, timing, feel, and rhythm in a unique way.

The author is a native of Slovenia, which is right in the middle of Europe. The author was infatuated by sports that involve balls ever since he was 7 years old, so he took an interest in table tennis. Tomaz began training for volleyball a few years later, and at the age of 14, he began playing with his father and friends. The author’s love for the game is clearly evident because he always came back to it in the summers despite playing volleyball at professional standards.

These online tennis lessons are a result of almost 20 years of experience working with beginners, kids as well as adults, intermediate players and players ranked on the ITF.

Tennis instruction videos helping you develop basic and more advanced tennis technique through feel based drills and exercises.

While still in Slovenia, the young author rose to be a coach when he got a certificate in the sport at about the age of 23. All of this he attributed to the fundamental skills he learned along the way, as well as his exceptional hand-eye coordination. Tel Me More

The Effortless Forehand

Feel Tennis

The Effortless Forehand is a unique video course that helps you acquire an effortless and powerful forehand through 3 stages of development:

Effortless Power through Biomechanics: You will very quickly experience more effortless power in your forehand by engaging in biomechanics exercises. They will help you feel how to engage the bigger muscle groups in your body and in what sequence to generate effortless power.

Controlled Power by Technique Tune-up: By going through key technical checkpoints in your forehand stroke, you will eliminate the rest of the small mistakes in your technique and therefore gain more control of the ball, resulting in higher consistency and better accuracy of your shots.

Power On The Move by Stances & Footwork: By learning how to hit powerful forehands from the neutral, open, closed and other stances and by moving efficiently to the ball and recovering fast, you’ll be able to implement your newly developed forehand in any situation.

The Effortless Forehand video course can be watched online on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or any Android-based device.

All the videos are in MP4 format, and you can download high quality or lower quality (smaller-sized) videos to your computer, tablet, or smartphone and use the instructions right there on the court. Tel Me More

Unlock Your Serving Potential

Feel Tennis

Discover Your Body’s Natural Serving Potential

How To Develop A Smooth Tennis Serve Technique That Generates Effortless Power
A Unique Video Course That Unlocks
Your Serving Potential

Serve Unlocked is a unique video course that gives you the missing key that helps you unlock your natural serving potential.

It teaches your mind how to let go of the limitations and incorrect mental images you may have about the serve.

It also teaches your body with very simple drills how to generate effortless power by using the laws of physics and movements that you already posses but haven’t yet applied to the serve.

The video course can be watched online on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or any Android-based device.

All the videos are in MP4 format, and you can download high-quality or lower-quality (smaller-sized) videos to your computer, tablet, or smartphone and use the instructions right there on court. Learn More

Master Top Spin & Slice Serves

Feel Tennis

How To Finally Master The Kick And Slice Serves And Turn Your Weakness Into A Strength

A Step-by-Step Tennis Video Course That Teaches You The Topspin and Slice Serve Techniques

The Second Serve Mastery video course helps you develop such a serve by showing you:

how to develop topspin serve technique

how to develop slice serve technique

drills that improve consistency, kick and power of your serves

how to practice under pressure on your own

my personal ritual & mindset before the second serve

Having a weak and unreliable second serve immediately puts you on defense against your opponent and makes it very hard to hold your serve. I believe that the second serve is the most important stroke you need to master if you play tennis competitively.

The One-Handed Backhand Video Course


Building An Unbreakable One-Handed Backhand

How To Transform A Weak One-Handed Backhand Into A Solid Stroke That Handles Everything Thrown At It

A Modern Approach To Developing One-Handed Backhand Technique Based On Biomechanics

The One-Handed Backhand Video Course
Building An Unbreakable One-Handed Backhand

The One-Handed Backhand video course is a unique teaching method that helps you rebuild and transform your one-handed backhand from a weakness to a solid, unbreakable stroke in three stages:

Correct Technique Through Visual Cues and Feel-based Drills: In many cases, players think they know how the backhand is supposed to be executed, but because of poor coaching and careless observation of the backhands of the pros, the mental image is incorrect. You will know exactly all the technical details of the one-handed backhand using the Technique module, which points out the key checkpoints and positions of the one-handed backhand and which shows you various exercises that will help you find those positions.

Effortless Power Through Biomechanical Exercises: The Biomechanics module breaks down the one-handed backhand into more general movements that you can then practice with specific feel-based exercises that help you sense the role of each movement and how each contributes to power, control, or spin.

Playing Backhands on the Move Through Stances and Footwork Training: You will learn specific footwork patterns and stances that will enable you to move to the ball quickly and efficiently, regardless of whether the ball is short, deep, close, or far.

The One-Handed Backhand video course can be watched online on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or any Android-based device.

All the videos are in MP4 format, and you can download high quality or lower quality (smaller size) videos to your computer, tablet, or smartphone and use the instruction right there on the court.

The Two-Handed Backhand Video Course

Unleashing The Power Of Two Hands

The Two-Handed Backhand

The Two Handed Backhand video course is a unique teaching approach that helps you correct and transform your two handed backhand from a powerless, mediocre stroke to an effortless, accurate stroke in three stages:

Effortless Power Through Biomechanical Exercises: The biomechanics module provides a general overview of how the two handed backhand actually works and what exercises you need to do in order to generate power from your body instead of your arms. You’ll also learn how the hands need to work based on levers since they need to work together and not fight each other, as often happens.

Correct Technique Through Key Checkpoints And Practical Drills: The two-handed backhand technique may seem simple and obvious at first glance, but it is in fact quite a complex movement, especially if you observe the work of the hands. The slow-motion videos and still images in the technique module point out the smaller details of the two handed backhand and show you practical exercises to help ingrain the right movements.

Playing Backhands On The Move Through Stances And Footwork Training: In this module, you will learn specific footwork patterns and stances that will enable you to move to the ball quickly and efficiently, regardless of whether the ball is short, deep, close, or far.

​The Two-Handed Backhand video course can be watched online on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or any Android-based device.

All the videos are in MP4 format, and you can download high-quality or lower-quality (smaller size) videos to your computer, tablet, or smartphone so you can use the instruction right there on the court.


Feel Tennis For Beginners

The How to Play tennis video course for Beginners contains 49 step-by-step clips that guide a tennis beginner from scratch to building the basic technique of all main strokes:

forehand serve

backhand (one & two-handed)

return volley

The course also includes two bonus videos that explain how motor learning is different than intellectual learning and how to deal with 7 major problems that tennis beginners face. (balance, timing, ideal contact point, etc.)

Tennis Ebooks On Strategy and Mental Game


The Tennis Strategy Encyclopedia is the most comprehensive ebook that I know of on the topic of tennis strategy and tactics and is over 100 pages long.

The Mental Manual for Tennis Winners is a smaller ebook that does not go deeply into the psychology of tennis but rather provides the player with short tips and ideas that help him overcome 29 most mentally challenging situations in a tennis match, for example being a break down, being a set down, dealing with bad line calls, playing in the wind and many more.

The ebooks on this page will help you:
win more matches,
enjoy your tennis game much more,
experience less stress on tennis courts.
This is the quickest way to improving your game and mental toughness.

There are of course no substitutes for hours of practice, gaining experience and improving your strokes.

But if you choose only this way, you are not moving forward in the fastest possible way.

Tennis strategy and mental tips are the only parts of tennis game that you can learn off court.

My 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
You have a 60-day full money back guarantee, no questions asked.

Use the full Two Handed Backhand video course for 8 weeks. If you don’t significantly improve the power and consistency of your two handed backhand, I will refund your payment immediately.

Put the video course to the test and see how it works for you. With the full money-back guarantee, there’s no way you can lose.

And Surprise Bonuses

Source: Feel Tennis